Monday, April 2, 2012

Depth of field

I'm no photographer, but I like photographing objects in this style.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sing Sing Prison Museum

For one of my projects, I had an idea to create an identity for The Sing Sing Prison Museum. My friend and I took a trip up to Ossining NY to visit the Museum. I saw a lot of interesting and inspiring things. My concept was to have everything look as if it were hand made, because inmates make weapons, tools, tattoo guns and everything by hand. The first image is the identity. I created it from a linoleum block. I wanted it to look and act as a stamp. Also are some prints. The Sing Sing Prison Museum has replica prison cells. So I took the initiative to lock myself up and pose as an inmate.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Night redesign book cover

My Cover

I recently redesigned a book cover for the story "night" by Elie Wiesel. For me, the book was about Elies struggle with his religion. At the beginning of the story Elie strongly believes in his religion. After he witnesses all the horrors in the concentration camp, he questions his beliefs and ask how GOD can allow such atrocities to happen. The top cover is the redesigned I made. The bottom two are the original covers.